Sunday, January 13, 2013

School Tomorrow

Sitting back in my dorm room with a cup of tea, I realize everything this past semester was not in vain. Going through it all, it sucked. Yet I am happy to see how it is helping shape my mindset for life and for this semester.

I am currently the single friend in my circle of friends from back home, and it has been a struggle. I have no idea why I'm consumed with the idea if I had a boyfriend that it would make me 100% happy. I want someone to go swing dancing with, to be there for me, to just have someone to live life with, and hold their hand. I just know that once I finally snag a good guy that it will make me so much more appreciative to have him.

I am just tired of people telling me how I should feel and how I should live my life. I'm aware of what I can handle. I especially appreciate it when someone tells me when I am in a low point that I don't know how to deal with it or that I am unreasonable. I'm learning to find the blessings of low points in my life. It is then when I realize that God is doing stuff in my life.

I am just learning that I need to focus on my campus ministry outreach, ending slavery, and my Fall 2013 study abroad. I'm taking everybody's doubt to fuel my passions in life. I want to be the generation that ends slavery. There are 27 million slaves into the world right now. I want to do something to stop it. is what I learned about from Passion 2013. God turned my heart of stone into a heart of flesh there. It was so eye-opening. I cannot explain how God worked at Passion. It was amazing. One of my favorite parts was just being silent and hearing 60,000 plus college students sing, praise, worship God. It was a indescribable moment. To hear those students and be apart of the crowd that let out a "shout" which turned into a roar to end slavery. To hear 60,000 people sing to God above. It was a humbling experience that I am happy to be apart of the 268 generation.
